Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Teacher Talk Tuesday

It's the day to give advice to new teachers over at Blog Hoppin'! Since I'm pretty much a new teacher myself, I can only offer a year's worth of advice. Hopefully, it benefits someone out there! :P

Okay, first of all, take breaks! Don't feel like you have to change the entire world within the nine months you have your precious kiddos. It's easy to think about/do school all the time, but you'll go insane. Give yourself some you time!

Secondly, work hard to build strong, positive relationships with the parents and families of your kiddos. The closer you are to them, the bigger the impact you can have on your students. Families are super important, so make sure you acknowledge that in your classroom.

Thirdly, don't set yourself up on an island. Seek out your co-workers and use them! Their experience is valuable to you. Trying to do everything by yourself will drive you crazy!

Fourthly, start organized and stay organized. The second you let piles start to grow on your desk you will find yourself drowning in stuff to do. Take time at the end of every day to put everything back where it belongs.

Finally, write everything down! Kids say the funniest, most ridiculous, craziest things, and even though you want to remember them, you won't. You have too many other things to think about to remember the funny thing Johnny said at breakfast. Write them down as soon as they happen so you have an account of them. When life starts getting you down, you can pick up your Funny Things Kids Say journal and laugh and laugh and laugh, and suddenly, life won't seem so horrible.

Like I said, I don't necessarily have all that much experience in this crazy field, but hopefully what I do have to share will help some new teacher out there!

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