Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rivers and Lakes and Clotheslines - Oh My!

Memorial Day weekend is behind us, and I, for one, am glad for that. My husband and I had about a million things on our to do list for the weekend, and we somehow managed to do everything on that list. This was a good thing, but I am absolutely exhausted today. Over the weekend, we managed to:
  • spend time with both of our families
  • help my brother move into his first home
  • take a four mile kayaking trip on the river
  • grill - twice
  • go to Mass
  • visit old friends
  • attend a Memorial Day ceremony at a cemetery - What an excellent way to remember that we don't get the day off of work just to celebrate warm weather and beaches! It was wonderful to spend some time thinking of, praying for, and remembering those who dedicate their lives to protecting ours.
  • go to a graduation party
  • kayak on the lake - during this particular trip, we kind of got stuck in some killer waves - scary...
I miss the days when weekends were actually relaxing.

One thing I noticed this weekend was that my mom still hangs her wash out on her clothesline. What a novel thing to do. During the last week of school, I read the story Mrs. McNosh Hangs Out Her Wash. It's a cute little story about an older lady hanging her clothes, and many other things, out on the clothesline. Before we read it, I asked the kiddos if their moms and dads hung their clothes outside. I got crickets. Not a single parent does this any more. Then again, I haven't seen all that many clotheslines around either. Kudos to my mom for saving electricity and bringing me back to my roots by hanging her clothes out on the line!